Close to 60 multi-disciplinary and domain-specific minisymposia have been selected for inclusion in this year’s program. We invite you to explore the list of abstracts that is published online to get a taste for the variety of topics that will be discussed at the conference. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insight from researchers working in different scientific domains – perhaps they are using algorithms, tools, or techniques that could be applied to your own research?
The titles of this year’s minisymposia are as follows:
- Abstraction, Orchestration and Modelling of Data Movement in Heterogeneous Memory Systems
- Accelerating High Energy Physics with GPU
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the Era of Platform Heterogeneity, Part I and II
- Advances in Computational Seismology and Earth Sciences, Part I, II and III
- Advances in Interdisciplinarity between Ocean, Climate Simulation and Deep Learning
- Application Scaling and Porting on an FPGA-based Supercomputer in the EuroEXA Project
- Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation in Chemical Sciences
- Basic Libraries for Advanced Simulations: BLAS Redux for Extreme Scale Computations, Part I and II
- BigData4Science: Moving Research in Scientific Fields One Step Forward with Big Data Technologies
- Breaking the Wall in Computational Astrophysics: Current Bottlenecks and How to Address them towards the Exascale Era
- Bridging the Software Productivity Gap for Weather and Climate Models, Part I and II
- Bringing Scientific Applications Written in Fortran to the Exascale Era: How Software Engineering Can Help to Fill the Gap
- Community Codes in Economics
- Computational Advances in Macroeconomic Applications: GPUs, Algorithms and Heterogeneous Agent Models
- Computational Biomedicine
- Computational Performance Evaluation for Hardware and Software Alternatives to Increase the HPC Efficiency of Earth System Models
- Cross-Platform Programming Language for High Energy Physics Applications
- Cutting Edge Machine Learning for High Energy Physics Applications
- Developments of Climate and Weather Models on Modern Supercomputers
- The Exabyte Data Challenge
- Extreme CFD for Engineering Applications
- High-Performance Computing for Earthquake Simulation, Geohazard Modeling, and Seismic Imaging, Part I and II
- High-Resolution Weather and Climate Simulations: High-Performance Computing and Science Case
- HPC Challenges in Kinetic Simulations of Plasmas, Part I: Eulerian Approach; Part II: Particle-Based Approach; Part III: Semi-Lagrangian and other approaches
- HPUQ: High Performance Uncertainty Quantification – Portable Frameworks for General Applications
- Identifying Relevant Communities in Immense Networks: Clustering Algorithms that Leverage High-Performance Computing
- Interoperability of Abstractions, High Level Languages and Intermediate Representations for High Productivity of Weather and Climate Models
- Large Scale Simulation in Geodynamics
- Machine Learning Applied to Scientific Modeling
- Machine Learning for HPC
- Machine Learning in Weather and Climate
- Mapping Parallel Scientific Applications onto Complex Architectures Portably and Efficiently
- Modeling Cloud Physics: Preparing for Exascale
- Multidimensional Stellar Evolution: Bridging the Modelling and Computational Challenges
- Numerical Methods and HPC Challenges in Magneto Hydro Dynamics (MHD) Modelling in Plasma Physics
- On the Use of Exotic Computation Architectures in High Energy Physics Applications
- The Pangeo Platform for Interactive Data Analysis
- Parallel High-Dimensional Approximation: Uncertainty Quantification and Machine Learning, Part I and II
- Programming Models to Enable Scalable Resilience for Extreme Scale Computing Systems
- Python Frameworks for HPC
- Resilient Solvers in Exascale Atmospheric Models
- Scalable Cross-Facility Workflows: Addressing Impedance Mismatches between Facilities
- Scalable Distributed Deep Learning
- Scientists’ choice of ‘X’ in MPI+X: Life Sciences, Plasma Physics, Climate & Weather Forecasting, and other HPC Benchmark Suites
- Towards Sustainable Scientific Software through Better Engineering, Development, Documentation, Publication and Curation
- The Use of Explainable-AI and Network Models to Analyze Complex Biological Systems, Part I and II
- Using OpenACC for Fluid Dynamics and Atmospheric Prediction Studies: Stories from Application Developers