The PASC21 Organizing Team is pleased to announce the publication of a preliminary program showcasing state-of-the-art research in computational science and high-performance computing.
Staying faithful to its tradition, this year’s conference program includes contributions from various scientific domains, which will be presented in the form of keynotes, papers, minisymposia,posters, a dialogue and a panel featuring research and researchers from all over the world.
The theme of PASC21 is New Challenges, New Computing Paradigms and our plenary sessions will address this topic from a variety of perspectives. Plenary speakers include Vivien Kendon from Durham University, Jeronimo Castrillon from TU Dresden, Dalia Conde from Species 360, Peter Coveney from University of College London, Erik Lindahl from Stockholm University, and Maria Girone from CERN. Join us to hear how their research in scientific computing methods, tools and algorithms is being used to tackle the major societal issues of today.
The preliminary program for PASC21 is available here.
Live sessions will be recorded and made available to those who would like to watch them, or rewatch them, at their own leisure.